Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thursday's Post.

Today we had another look at our blogs. Personally I liked yesterdays blog so I tried to have a simular concept with todays but instead showing something else that I do daily from a first person perspective. Here I am quite simply putting on a horses rug but because of the closeness I thought it may not be so obvious for someone that isant used to doing this type of thing. In the workshop today I realised I need to show some more heart in order to make my project sucessful and I think this is beginning to engage with these first person images. I also decided to post the image below because although I took it today I think it goes with yesterday's images. This again is an image of familiarity, I find this an everyday thing to keep the horse clean but this activity may be very different to what everyone else in the group does.

1 comment:

KellyJSmith said...

I like these ones chels, think they are far more personal in that your hand is in the photograph and we can see you actually interacting with your subject.xx