Today (wednesday) I decided to finish my blogging so I can concentrate on my workbook and gettin my images sorted. Currently I am having alot of issues with my work as I had it printed earlier and to be quite blunt it looks pants!! So its being printed A4 and will hopefully look better. Anyways I wanted to finish this blog off by leaving you with nothing more than a simple picture of my horse. This sounds a bit strange but the bond we have is very strong and without her I would not have as much appreciation for the outside world as I do. Over the last few weeks Barthes has been talking about trying to find his mother in a photograph, but in this image although it is simple it is often images like these that are most representative of my horse, just an everyday casual shot like this one contains the familularity and closeness I have with the subject. So I leave you with this, it may not look much to you but like I said she means the world to me.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Tuesday/ wednesday final post
Monday's Blog
For these images I got on my horse with my camera, slightly strange I know as I havent got insurance on it but again hopefully this shows the trust I have in these animals and basically all I am trying to do to show my perspective when riding. In these images I have concentrated on showing my own horse as she is the main part of 'my world'.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Friday's Post.

Today has been a snowy day so im glad I took these pictures this morning. Basically I had an idea yesterday where I wanted to reconsruct me falling off to link with the other image on wednesday's blog. I have decided to post two as I couldn't decide which one I preferred so i would appreciate if you had a look and let me know. Also today I was thinking about where this project is going and I have decided to change the name of my blog tomorrow making it more focused on horses and especially my horse is she is the reason that I love the outdoors.

The image above I think is less like a documentary image but again I couldn't decide between them. But I thought it represented my vision if I had fallen off more than the other image.
Thurday's Blog.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Wednesday's Blog.

Monday, January 28, 2008
Monday's Post - clipping day!!

Basically today was clipping day like it said in the title. This is omething we tend to do about five times a year to each horse, its quite time consuming and took up most of my day so I would include it in my daily post. Again it reminded me of the closeness and especially the trust I have in these horses because of how close we are to them whilst doing this. I decided to take the shots again thinking again of my viewpoint whilst clipping or helping to clip as I dint do it alone! Im trying to get a bit of a theme with these images focusing on a main subject and having simular ideas of viewpoint with the shots but obviously changing the content slightly depending on what I am doin in the day. Again hope this is the right direction....let me know guys!!

Friday, January 25, 2008
Friday's Blog.

Today I decided to continue with the theme of closeness with my animals, at the moment I have focused on my horses but I would like to experiment with the other animals at some point in this project. I have also continued with my idea of everyday, my normal life which may be in fact different to someone elses. In these two images I have focused on getting the horse ready to ride, showing you some of the preparation. I decided to publish these two images in the blog today because I realised this is something again I take for granted in the fact that because I am used to the animals so there is no fear, but I know other people do have fear if I asked them to do this sort of thing. Again please let me know if this sort of work is working, thanks!
first person,
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Thursday's Post.
Today we had another look at our blogs. Personally I liked yesterdays blog so I tried to have a simular concept with todays but instead showing something else that I do daily from a first person perspective. Here I am quite simply putting on a horses rug but because of the closeness I thought it may not be so obvious for someone that isant used to doing this type of thing. In the workshop today I realised I need to show some more heart in order to make my project sucessful and I think this is beginning to engage with these first person images. I also decided to post the image below because although I took it today I think it goes with yesterday's images. This again is an image of familiarity, I find this an everyday thing to keep the horse clean but this activity may be very different to what everyone else in the group does.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Wednesday's Post.

Today I decided to show you some more of the little things I also do daily. I tried to make the images almost like first person, as I was doing them at the time and I wanted the image to share the closeness to the subject that I share. I also wanted these images to show not only the closeness but the trust I never realised until now that I have with these animals, I realised this as I found when people are not used to being with animals in this sort of environment they arent very willing to trust them and are instead frightened which is something I find very bizarre. If this is the write direction please let me know because I feel this project is a little hit and miss. Please comment on what sort of things you would like to see!
Tuesday's Post.

I was havin technical trouble publishing yesterday's blog so here it is...Yesterday again I did my daily jobs so I decided to show you a little job I do everyday but its not an interesting one!! This liek I said is just a view I see everyday so I thought I would share anohter aspect of my life outdoors.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Monday Again....

Today has been a rather depressing day again with the rain and my bad luck! I was goin to focus again on animals and the activities I do but instead I thought I would show you a view that I take for granted. When im here I can think, this sounds a little morbid but I think the whole reason I like being outdoors is the freedom, open space, which seperates me form everyday life and everyday stresses. So you may think this picture is rather straight forward but this simpleness is the reason I love the outdoors even in rubish weather! I plan tomorrow to post more than one image to give people more of an insight into my life.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Another Day of Rain...Friday's Post.

Thursday, January 17, 2008
Thursday...What a day!

Today was our tutorial and so I decided now would be the appropriate time to narrow down my theme as it still seems to be a little random. I still want to stick with "The Outside World" but I want to make it more specific basing it where I keep my horse because it is a major part of my life and is my main reason for loving being outside. I want to focus on the actual yard, the day to day stuff I find normal yet others may not, maybe the things I take for granted like a gallop in the fields. So here is my image for the day of my horse eating a carrot out of a puddle!! I decided to choose this image as I don't want straight forward documentary images I want to work with composition and angle to create a more interesting image, without trying to be "arty farty" - direct quote from Hugh. Hopefully my project will take some direction from now on!!!!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Wedneday's Post!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Tuesdays post.

Now i have decided on the theme of The Outside World I decided to photograph this aeonium that i came across earlier, I think it fits into my theme as although its part of "The Outside World" also it is a natural object which is what I think i will focus on. I really like the colour of it and the pattern that the leaves naturally make, this is why i decided to publish it for today's blog. Another reason I decided to publish these pictures is because its been a horrible day and hoped this would brighten it up a little!!
The Theme!!
As i am now getting into this project I decided with a hint from Hugh that i needed to begin to set a theme for this project. I originally thought animals as so far this has been a common theme in my work, the obvious exception being the misrepresenting nottingham section. But I thought about it and with the help of research on general documentary photography I decided to call my project The Outside World. Basically, everyday of my life i spend a lot of time in "the great outdoors". Sometimes the reason may be an animal commitment but mostly its becuase I just enjoy being outside so this is my reason for theming my blog in this way and hopefully my pictures will be a representation of this.
Monday, January 14, 2008
mondays blog just isant wanting to be seen!!
hey all you bloggers there is some technical error a tthe mo and ive bin tryin 2 put on my pics all day (monday) and its not happening!! will try again after a few hours sleep!! xx
Friday, January 11, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Misrepresenting Nottingham
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